Understanding the Cost of Moving a House on a Slab

Moving an entire house is no small feat, especially if it sits on a slab. With various factors at play, including the type of structure, foundation, and even obstructions on the move route, it’s essential to be informed about the potential costs. Let’s dive into what you need to know.

How Much Does it Cost to Move a House on a Slab?

Moving a house on a slab can typically cost around $35 per square foot. This price is considerably higher than moving other types of structures, primarily because of the time, effort, and labor involved. Comparatively, the cost of relocating a non-slab house usually falls between $12-$16 per square foot.

Factors Should You Consider

Several elements contribute to the final price tag when moving a house. These include:

  • The house’s size and structure.
  • Location and distance of the move.
  • Required permits and regulations.
  • Foundation type and challenges related to it.
  • Additional costs like insurance, new foundations, and utilities.

Cost Factors

The overall cost can vary greatly, starting as low as $15,000 and shooting up to $200,000. However, it’s essential to remember that each house move is unique. 

1. Size, Shape, and Type of Structure

  • Size: The square footage and dimensions of the building play a vital role in determining the cost. Moving a smaller cottage differs considerably in cost compared to relocating a sprawling mansion.
  • Shape: Complex designs with odd angles can increase the price, even if two houses have the same square footage.
  • Structure Type: Materials such as brick, stone, wood, or concrete each have unique characteristics impacting the moving process and its cost.

2. Type and Height of Foundation

  • Foundations can range from stone or rubble to modern poured concrete.
  • The height of the basement or crawl space matters, as this determines the ease of inserting steel beams to carry the house during the move.
  • For homes built directly on a concrete slab floor, the decision to move just the house or the entire slab floor can vastly affect the cost.

3. Accessories

Features like garages, porches, chimneys, and decks can be moved with the house but can add to the time and cost. Evaluating if it’s more economical to move them intact or rebuild them at the new location is essential.

4. Working Space

Adequate working space around the house can influence the cost. Insufficient space might require specialized equipment, potentially raising the overall price.

5. New Foundation

The method of installing a new foundation at the destination can differ and impact the cost. For instance, pouring footers ahead of time versus establishing a foundation before the house arrives each have distinct costs.

How To Get a Cost Estimate for Moving a House?

If you’re considering moving your home, the best approach is to gather all relevant information about your property. This data will provide a ballpark estimate of the potential costs. Afterward, consult with a reputable structural moving company to get a detailed breakdown. They will typically assess your property and give you a written proposal outlining all expenses.


1. What time of the month is it cheapest to move?

Interestingly, the middle of the month usually offers the most cost-effective solution for moving. Since many people prefer to move at the month’s beginning or end, you’ll find moving companies less busy and potentially more affordable around the middle.

2. What is the most expensive day to move?

Weekends, while convenient, tend to be the busiest and consequently, the most expensive days to hire moving companies. To save money and avoid the hustle and bustle, consider scheduling your move on a weekday.

3. What expenses are there for moving?

Several expenses come into play when moving:

Moving Truck RentalProfessional Movers
Moving SuppliesPacking and Unpacking Services
Cleaning ServicesFragile Item Moving
Professional Service TipsMoving Insurance


Moving a house, especially one on a slab, requires careful planning, a fair bit of investment, and collaboration with industry experts. Armed with the right information, you can make an informed decision, ensuring a smooth transition to your house’s new location. So, before taking the leap, gather estimates, consult professionals, and plan thoroughly to avoid any unforeseen expenses or complications.

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